Thứ Tư, 21 tháng 7, 2010

Swift 3D PS - new plugin for Adobe Photoshop CS4 and CS5 Extended, adds new tools in the program for 3D-modeling and animation. With this plug-in appears to perform actions such as creating a three-dimensional text, extrusions, creating surfaces of revolution, the import of vector elements of Adobe Illustrator or Flash and turn them into three-dimensional objects using extrusion tools, the creation of cameras aimed and simplified management of light sources as well as the ability to edit three-dimensional objects, even after applying various filters.

"Creating and three-dimensional extrusion of text in seconds
"Importing vector drawings from Adobe Illustrator and Flash
"Dragging a picture bevel
"Opening and editing of 3D layers or import 3D models
"Easily create 3D scenes with placing cameras and light
"Shell extensions 3D-modeling
"Editing three-dimensional objects, even after the application of filters
"The configuration of the interface using the four windows display
"The use of smoothing and rounding to the specified surfaces
"Dragging a picture of 3D-models
"Gallery of Light with professional lighting schemes
"And the other possibility

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